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Quick start guide

1. Install Tailwind CSS#

Pixby UI is a UI library built on top of Tailwind CSS, and is therefore required to be installed first. Please follow the installation instructions provided here.

2. Install package#

# yarn
yarn add @pixby/ui
# npm
npm install @pixby/ui

3. Update tailwind.config.js#

@pixby/ui uses some custom theme properties that you have to add:

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: {
DEFAULT: '#ED6489',
50: '#FFFFFF',
100: '#FFFFFF',
200: '#FDEDF1',
300: '#F8BFCE',
400: '#F292AB',
500: '#ED6489',
600: '#E83666',
700: '#D3184A',
800: '#A5133A',
900: '#770E2A',

4. Import components#

You should now be able to use the library:

import { Button } from '@pixby/ui';