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A tabs component lets you tab between content.


import { Tabs } from '@pixby/ui';
  • Tabs: The component that provides the context to the other components.
  • Tabs.Menu: Wrapper for Tabs.Tab. Keeps track of the currently selected tab.
  • Tabs.Tab: The individual tab button used to navigate between tabs.
  • Tabs.Panels: Wrapper for Tabs.Panel. Keeps track of the currently selected panel.
  • Tabs.Panel: The individual panel. This is where your content goes.


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1 : return ()
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Use the colorScheme prop to change the colors of the tabs. You can use one of the built-in schemes, or pass a list of class names to create your own.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:8)
1 : return ()
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You can choose the direction of the tabs by using the direction prop. It can be either horizontal or vertical. It defaults to horizontal.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:8)
1 : return ()
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You can choose the style of the tabs by using the variant prop. It can be either underline or pills. It defaults to underline.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:8)
1 : return ()
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You can make the tabs take up the full width by passing the isFitted prop. This only works when the direction is set to horizontal (that's the default).

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:8)
1 : return ()
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If you don't want to render the children of the panels unless it's active you can use the isLazy prop.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:8)
1 : return ()
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Controlled mode#

The tabs component is stateful by default, but can easily be turned in to a controlled component by passing the index and onChange props.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:8)
1 : return ()
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Tabs follows the practices for tabs found at WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.

  • Only the active tab is allowed focus.
  • Tabbing from the tab gives focus to the current tab panel.
  • Using the arrow keys navigates the between tabs.
  • Home and End navigates to the start and end of the tabs.
  • Tabs.Panel has the role of tabpanel.
  • Tabs.Menu has the role of tablist.
  • Tabs.Tab has the role of tab.
  • Tabs.Panel has aria-hidden when not selected.
  • Tabs.Panel has aria-labelledby set to the id of the Tabs.Tab with the same index.